I don’t like unfinished stories. Tales that leave me hanging in anticipation, desperate to know what happens next. The kind of ending that happens in each episode of a great TV series – the hook that keeps me binge-watching to satisfy my craving for completion.
When we visited Trennerys hotel on the Wild Coast of South Africa a few years back, I created my own unfinished ending. We embarked on a day hike to the Jacaranda shipwreck and got so side-tracked by all that we experienced along the way, that we turned back too early, satisfied by a full day of fun, but leaving before the end goal of the day was completed and ticked off.
So when deciding where to venture for a winter beach-hiking weekend, the Jacaranda shipwreck raised its rusty hand and lured us back to Trennerys with its promise of satiating completion.
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